Friday, April 26, 2013

Spring Cleaning the Clothes Closet

Over the last few days, I have begun to do some spring cleaning - my first stop is always my closet.  A chance to put away the heavy sweater,pull out my capri pants, flip flops and short sleeve shirts.  Okay, so the weather may still be a little cool but to me - spring is here!  

While doing this, I came upon some things that were bought and still had the price tag on them.  You know - the perfect sale, something that seemed right at the time or the never ending impulse buying.  So, I have a Closet Filled with  (some) Regrets.  I saw an article the other day that made me stop and think about what is in my closet, the opener said - 
Only about 20% of clothes in the average person’s closet are worn on a regular basis, says Ginny Snook Scott, chief design officer of California Closets, the designer of customized closets and storage spaces. That’s especially the case for women since “men tend to wear more of their wardrobe, as they stereotypically have less,” she says. “They tend to have less than 10 pairs of shoes that they rotate fairly well, whereas women have four to five times that amount, on average.”
WOW!  This made me take a look at my closet again.  What were the things that I wore on a regular basis?  I am a jeans girl all the way in the winter so why do I insist on buying skirts that never seem to make it out of the closet?  Since I am still on my weight loss journey, I have not been buying as many clothes - holding out for milestones in my journey to treat myself to something new. 

The St. Paul's Church Rummage Sale is coming up in May so as I clean out my closet, I add to the pile of things to be donated.  My impulse shopping may be just the right thing for someone else.  What will you do with the "regrets" in your closet?  Do you have a favorite charity to donate to or is there something else that you do with them?

I saw a tip somewhere on a blog or Facebook, I can't remember which that someone shared which I think is going to be my new rule of thumb:

My grandmother always says you should wear something once for every dollar you spend on it. I thought it was silly the first time I heard it, but now I find myself holding up items and thinking "Will I really wear this 25 times?" It definitely helps my impulse buys! G-E-N-I-U-S! 

What tactics do you use to avoid purchase regrets?  Have a ThirtyOne-derful day!

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