Sunday, April 28, 2013

One Month....I DID IT!

Morning - I am doing the HAPPY DANCE!!!!!

I can't believe that I did it - no I haven't reached goal at Weight Watchers but getting close.  

I have done 30 days of blogging and am ready to keep going.  Thank you Vanessa Coppes for the encouragement.  It is now part of my morning ritual - coffee, devotions and a blog posting.  I am learning to make notes for future blog posts to share with everyone.  At some point, I am sure I will share more of my personal life's journey but for right now, the spark has not been there nor do I want to be know as a blogger who just shares "their drama".  I want to inspire and encourage other women to reach for their dreams no matter how big or out of reach they may be.  

I have learned that even though I may not think something is important - it may change someone else's thought process and help them.  Thank you to those who have been following me and sharing my stories.  Like with any business - word of mouth is the best way to promote your business.  

Here are a list of tips from Direct Selling Education Foundation on promoting through word of mouth:

  1. Join a local event, get your business in the local media and get people talking positively about your business.
  2. Use social networks to connect with your customers, engage in conversations, use it to provide better customer service, and build relationships and buzz.
  3. Make each interaction with your business a memorable one, and you’ll make your business memorable. Follow up with a thank you call or card. Offer a free branded gift and other memorable services.
  4. Offer your customers an opportunity to comment, or take a poll and act upon their suggestions to create buzz.
  5. Ask loyal customers and local influencers to refer your business to others and give them a reward for it.
  6. Treat your customers like VIPs and share their testimonials wherever you can.
  7. Offer customized/personalized customer service to create a buzz.
  8. Ask for reviews from loyal customers and local influencers.
  9. Once in a while, surprise your customers with extras and tell them to share it with others. Give them a discount that they can share with another to help bring new customers.
  10. Start a campaign to help others in your community and create an online forum to encourage conversation and positive word of mouth.
  11. Become the town “know it all.” Post and host on your site interesting facts about your town and residents to encourage conversations.
  12. Offer contests, start trends and other promotions to generate buzz and build brand recognition.

If you haven't blogged - try it!  If you are, share your link below and I will be happy to pass it on to others.  Have a ThirtyOne-derful day.

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