Friday, June 14, 2013

Anchors - Not the Boat Kind

I was looking for inspiration this morning when an email popped up about the Entrepreneurial Think Tank's Conference -  Power of Connections in September.  One of the speakers is Jennifer Tuma-Young who wrote the book Balance your Life, Balance the Scale!

I was curious so I clicked the link to check out what Jennifer had to say.  Anything that will help me to balance the scale and reach goal weight is of interest to me!  I found an interesting posting on "Identify Your Anchors".  To say the least, I was curious because I THOUGHT I knew what my anchors were but it seems that I had balance and anchors a little mixed up.  To me balance is having everything in a row or running smoothly - no ruffles in my feathers.  WOW!  Did she ruffle these feathers!  Anchors are core values - those that are part of who we are and yes, I had forgotten what my core values were in the midst of this crazy thing called LIFE.

So, I took the challenge to identity my list of values.  For some this may be easy but for me as I am peeling off the layers of who I am versus who I think I should be, it was a little bit more difficult. I have a hard time deciding what are MY values and those that are imposed by others.  So, I read the list (click the challenge link to see them) and begin listing all of them that I thought applied to me.  Okay, so now the true test - praying and deciding what were my anchors.  Here goes:

  • Faith
  • Marriage
  • Family 
  • Financial Independence
  • Giving 
  • Inspiration (I couldn't decide between that or Encouragement)
These go along with my 4 Business principles that I had to identify during a recent training:
  • Positive Attitude
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • An Encouragement to Others
  • A Balanced Life
What are your anchors?  Take the challenge.  Come hear Jennifer at the conference.  Read her book.  I can't wait to hear what else she has to say.  Share your thoughts and comments, I love to hear from you.

Have a ThirtyOne-derful day!  

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