Since Belinda is grown and I have passed the "super mom" stage in my life, it doesn't mean that I am not still trying to be "Super Wife" or "Super Consultant/Director". In the past, I wasn't trying to be anything - I was just juggling all of the balls (work, Belinda's cheering schedule, house, family, church, etc) and most days it seemed to work. Now, I am learning how to juggle (or the new word is "balance) new things. This statement stood out for me "When you look around and see other mothers who appear to be “mothering” better than you, don’t be fooled. They are probably doing whatever it takes....". Yes, I still compare myself to others. Yes, I am still trying to do it all. This morning I am re-grouping, remembering how I use to do the "super mom" thing and applying it to the new struggles in my life
I am trying to be "Super Consultant", "Super Wife", "Super Family Member" and "Super Employee (at my part-time job)". GUESS WHAT???? I felt like I was failing in all areas then I read this line in the article "Successful mothers are not the ones who have never struggled. They are the ones who never give up, despite the struggles." For me, the word "balance" seemed to create new visions of how my life/ schedule should be in a perfect world. In reality, I need to just learn (or re-learn) how to manage my time and my schedule.
Are you trying to be "Super ________"? The greatest gift I got this morning was the realization that I don't have to be SUPER ANYTHING! Sounds basic, right? For those of us who continue to compare ourselves to friends who seem to have it all together, to advertising about those who manage everything (including being at their ideal weight) - it is not easy. It is a daily struggle. So, I am going back to something I learned in rehab so many years ago - "one day at a time". I tend to look at the BIG picture and lose sight of the small things that need to be done but to get out of the workaholic - super mode, I need to step back to what kept me sane on any given day. Just for today, I am going to make a list of things to get done, stop feeling like I have to answer emails within seconds of receiving them, stop stalking Facebook and just do what I have to do.
When life gets crazy and I begin thinking about pulling all nighters to get things done - I will revert to the prayer that gave me strength when I was weak...
God grant me
the serenity to accept the things I can not change,
the courage to change the things I can,
the wisdom to know the difference.
Your will not mine be done!
Have a ThirtyOne-derful day.
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