Sunday, April 7, 2013


UGH!  I don't know about you but that is a word that I DREAD!  I used to be an "gym addict" - going every day, working out for an hour or more then classes - okay, so I was in my 20's.  Then life happened and some where along the way, the desire or excitement died.

Now, at 55 (yes, I told my age and am proud of it) - the gym is the last place I want to go.  I could walk miles (I know that is exercise) but go to the gym with all those tiny little, young bodies - UGH!  I joined Planet Fitness in Brick back in January.  It is now April and I think I have been about 4 times.  Not bad, once a month.  I now have accountability partners from my Weight Watchers' meetings that go too - they are a little bit more faithful.  My goal - three times a week. Mondays are easy and I get there with no trouble.  Wednesday is a little shakey and by Friday, I have a million reasons why I can't make the gym not to mention the help that I get for NOT going when my accountability partners cancel on me.  They aren't going, why should I.

So as the weather warms, the walkers head to the reservoir in Brick, so will I.  The die hard walkers are twice a day, I will be glad to make it once a day (walking twice around).  Short walks with hubby on his days off help but it is time to kick it into high gear - summer is coming and I am close to my goal weight.  BIGGEST goal - walking across stage at National Conference in July without my thighs jiggling underneath my dress as I receive my award for promoting to Director.  Who wants to have their picture taken with the Owner of the Company who looks like a 10 when underneath your dress, the thighs are rubbing together.

If you are a reservoir walker and you see someone huffing and puffing, please lend a word of encouragement - I could surely use it.   Have a ThirtyOne-derful day!

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